It’s time to step up. We need to get out of the same thing we are doing and step up! We are never supposed to stay in the same place (in our walk) in Him. We should be growing in Him as each day, each week and each month goes by. We need to stop becoming settled into the same old things! IT’S TIME to step up in a mighty way in HIM!
Don’t become so use to your walk in Him that it becomes like a recording that is playing over and over again. We should never stop seeking to get closer to Him! I don’t care who you are when you stop seeking to get closer to Him and think where you are at is good enough, that’s not a good thing.
BECOME UNSETTLED! Continue to seek for Him in everything. Don’t settle for only knowing God, seek every day to know Him more and to get closer to Him.
Isaiah 26:9 “My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning, my spirit longs for you.”