I had a dream the other night. I was suddenly standing looking at an old flour cabinet and saw it was in poor condition.
Then my attention was drawn quickly to my right and there was a new antique flour cabinet, like it was just made but it better than new. I was thinking about the dream wondering what God was trying to tell me through the dream, so I looked up flour in God’s word the Bible.
His word tells us in 1 Kings 17:16 “For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah.
He showed me the old one which was not in great shape, then the new one, like it was just built. It was a beautiful, bright shining white color, it had like rays of light coming from it. My eyes noticed it was different than any others I have ever seen, on top of it was fancy woodwork and it had the most beautiful, engraved design on it.
I then was given the meaning. God was showing me this to let me know that He will be blessing us in a way which will never run out, like the verse says, the flour never ran out. There will be blessings coming, being pour out. We have been through the rough times but now blessings will be pour upon us.
I never want to limit Him on how or what He can or will do. When we limit Him, we can limit what He will do for us. It’s like putting Him in a box, only letting Him do things in that box, never allowing Him to come out of it. I stopped limiting God a long time ago. I want whatever He wants… His will and His way.
I also believe He is saying the flour is His Word, it is never ending and speaks in ways that will have us in awe. It constantly feeds us, nourishes us, provides for us in amazing ways.
God is an awesome God, never limit God on the things He can or will do. His word tells us in Isaiah 55:9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”
Let go and let Him work in mighty ways in your life.