I have been having a lot more dreams and visions in the last few weeks and months. This morning I was dreaming from the time I went to sleep until waking up which is not unusual, but this morning’s dream was very vivid, a very strong dream.
I was dreaming and suddenly standing on a wide street. A man was standing on the other side of the street. There were bricks buildings behind him, a line of buildings from his left to right and across the street were also other brick buildings. The thing about this dream it was in 1940’s era. I knew because of the way they dressed and hair styles. I then was behind him; he was looking across the street at a building. He turned his head to his right and saw a very long concrete ramp, it flattened out at the bottom for like a few hundred feet. He could tell it was a place for ships or boats to pull up to and knew there was water at the bottom to the right of the concrete. As he stood there still looking, suddenly 5 sailors all at one time, stepped onto the concrete, they were a few feet apart. They stepped from the right side where water should be onto the concrete, did it all at one time, stepped with left foot first and were in a row.
The boyfriend who was in mid 20’s was waiting on his girlfriend who was 21 or so. REMEMBER this is all set in the 1940’s. The boyfriend walks across the street and into a house, it was the parents of his girlfriend’s home. As soon as he goes inside, suddenly a good size bottle shaped as a crown is in his left arm, he is holding it against his body. The shape of the bottle was very ornate, the design looked like just like a crown but it was a bottle. He takes a few steps, turns to his right and there is a man standing there. The man standing there asked the boyfriend if he can have some of what is in the bottle. The boyfriend hands it to the one who asked, the man pours some of what was in the bottle into another bottle, then hands the crown bottle back to the boyfriend.
The boyfriend then turns to his left and starts making his way around the room like a circle. Three quarters of the way around there is a man sitting down who talks about the crown bottle, but I don’t remember what he said. The boyfriend keeps going and is headed toward the front door to go outside. Just before he gets to it a heavy metal table appeared in front of him stopping him from getting to the front door. Behind the table was the girlfriend’s dad. The boyfriend told him the table needs to be moved so the dad reaches down sliding it to the right of the boyfriend. The boyfriend moves to his left, turns sideways to get around the end of the table and sees when it was moved a foot of the table broke off. He reaches down and sets it back under the table where it had been connected. He then walks out the door meeting his girlfriend out in the middle of the street, the bottle is gone.
She comes up to him puts her left arm under his right and tells him she wants to go down to the end, the bottom of the ramp. He does not want to go. He knows it is not a safe place to go to, but the girlfriend keeps on and talks him into going. They walked down the long ramp, he walks to the where it flattens out. He noticed only 3 of the sailors are there now, to his left and they were drunk, he ignores them. He then sees to his right that the water was no longer up against the wall but has receded way, way, out. This was like a very, very, wide river. He also notices two tall smoke stakes putting out dark smoke. He steps down in front of the wall and starts to slip on the mud, the water is starting to rise. He grabs some kind of plant that was growing in the mud and dirt struggling, pulling and is able to get back onto the concrete.
The girlfriend did not go where he did but as they got down to where the ramp flattened out, she went onto a grassy area that lead to the right to the water. As he got back onto the concrete, he looked to his right to look for his girlfriend, but she wasn’t there. He takes a few steps, knows she is underneath the water, reaches down with his left hand, finding her right arm and starts to pull her out of the now high water. When he does, he lets go of her quickly because as he started to pull her up many more bodies appear in the water all underneath her and around her, all dead. He steps back and the dream ended.
It’s like I was watching a movie. Pat and I know it has a spiritual meaning. The thing to remember is it was set in the 1940’s. There was a bottle in a very strong design of a crown and the boyfriend had it, but it disappeared once he stepped out of the house. Then there were five sailors, then only three. The boyfriend did not want to go down there but gave in, letting the girlfriend talk him into it. He almost perished due to going where he should not have but she died, perished. He was not able to help her and there were the many, many, other bodies with her.
What do you get from it?
