Coming to the Lord can sure change someone. I can attest to this. I have come to learn I am a storyteller. Some people call it being a writer or author, but I like the word storyteller.
God has blessed me with the words for each one. As I am writing them, I can see what I am writing. What I mean by that is it is like I am watching a movie. I see the scene as I am writing it. I can see everything I write in the book, the people, the events, everything that I am writing. It’s like it pours out me and now I feel I can’t stop writing. I get one written and another one comes, so I start on it. Sometimes another starts before I finish the one, I am working on.
It is all by, through and from God that I can do any of this. If I had not given my life to Him, I am sure I never would have written one book much less more. I also know if my best friend and sister in Christ, Pat, did not edit them, they would never have been published. God blesses me with the stories, and she makes them readable. People think I am joking but by the time she is done making the story presentable she has written half the book. I am abundantly blessed that she is willing to do it and that we coauthor the books.
We hope to soon have more books out. The next one will be a Christian romance. Then the rest of the Bacord Series 4 and the last of the series book five. I feel God has many more for us both to write. They will make you think, laugh, cry, and maybe even get you to read more of the Bible.
Don’t limit what God can do in your life. The last thing I would of thought is we would have books for sale on amazon. When we allow Him full access to us, He can do amazing things. I am proof of that.
We also have a book that is already written, that needs editing, that is set in the 1800’s. A little something for everyone.