I had this dream years ago in April 2017. This is what happened in the churches, how easily they were shut down and how easily they have been taken down. Many are turning against what His words say. Many are entertaining instead of teaching. Many are tickling mans ears in order to not offend.
As I started to read it again, the light bulb went off! The meaning, interpretation, came flooding in! I had this dream forty-two months ago. I did not understand what He was saying right then but I did three years later. What was the dream?
My best friend and I were in either a church or building of some type with many stained-glass windows around the sides of it and there was also a big stained-glass dome. As we were walking in this building with a guy who was showing us around, we noticed two boys. The one boy had a sling shot and the other just followed him around. We stood there watching as the one with the sling shot, who was a lot younger than the other, took out all the windows using marshmallows in his sling shot. The other boy said, “I am sorry, but he is only shooting them with a marshmallow!” The last one, the last shot, he took out, was the dome. It shattered into many pieces falling down to the floor when he shot it with the marshmallow. (No, I did not eat pizza or anything odd that night and I don’t care for marshmallows, so I know that’s not it.”)

I understood what He was telling me, three years after the dream, I received the interpretation! It’s what is happening and has been happening to and in the churches! How easy the churches were taken out and is being taken out? It is as easy as hitting it with a marshmallow!
What His word says in 2 Timothy is so true. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear. They will reject the truth and chase after myths.”