If you told us not long ago that we would be writing books we may have given you an odd look but God had other plans. This is a description of Bacord River, Angel Encounters, Series 2.
"In her wildest dreams, Lynne could never have imagined the adventures that would take place in her life! Her life had gone from a boring routine to a life filled with unexpected twists and turns. Her experiences seemed like they could not possibly be real, but she knew that they were indeed happening, to her! Lynne never expected to meet all the people she had met and have the experiences she had had since her new life began. Although Lynne was beginning to see a little more about where these adventures might possibly lead, she was still in awe when things happened that were unexplainable, except by the supernatural hand of God. It still amazed her that God could and would choose to use a regular person like herself in so many supernatural ways. At one time in her life, had someone told her about angels, she would have thought that they were crazy. But now she was experiencing what she once would have thought were fairy tales. Now she was beginning to understand that God wanted her to live out His plans for her in order to walk in the abundant life that Jesus came to give us. Although this book is fictitious, the kind of events in it and much more, can happen when we realize that we serve a God who is limitless and He wants to do great and mighty things in us, for us, and through us. Living with and for the Lord, is a great adventure! Lynne continues her adventures in Bacord River: Angel Encounters-Series 2. If you enjoyed Lynne’s adventures in Bacord River: The Beginning-Series 1, you will like this book even more!