Was blessed with a vision the other night.
I saw an enormous tornado, bigger than anything here upon earth, and it was moving across a desert. This was like nothing I have ever seen before. This tornado was made up of what had to be millions of six by 12-inch oblong video’s, that were playing. They all were different, they were videos of people’s lives. I could see this even though the tornado was spinning. As I stood there watching it move across the desert, the oblong blocks, they suddenly started to fly off the tornado. They flew to in front of me and a wall started to be built from them. The thing was, as each block, which were different videos, moved and was set in place, they all became one video across this wall. It would be like you had a million tv’s that at first were playing different videos.
Then they all came together forming a long, tall, wall, and as they all came together, they formed one video. As I watched this happening, I suddenly started to hear millions of people yelling all in sync, making the same sound. When I looked at the wall, I saw a video of people running, charging forward, yelling, clothed in the same type of clothing, like we wear now. They were running from the left side to the right side on this now one whole video. As I watched these millions running forward, they in milliseconds, came to a sudden stop and were looking upward into the sky. What was up in the sky, out in front of them? Three gold torches, each with a fire on top, one was in front and in the other two on each side were just behind the front one, then the vision ended.
The meaning of the vision? The tornado are many of God’s people, from different countries, being pulled in together, brought together by God. The blocks being made into one video was them become unison. Their running forward, yelling, making one sound, again means they were coming together, joining as one, men, women, children. Them coming to a standstill and seeing the torches with fire. That is God revealing Himself to the many, the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. To remind them as they go forward, being unified, to make sure they keep their eyes on Him as they charge forward to do His will. They must not take their eyes off Him, God, for when they do they put their eyes on man.
Joshua 6:20 “When the people heard the sound of the rams’ horns, they shouted as loud as they could. Suddenly, the walls of Jericho collapsed, and the Israelites charged straight into the town and captured it.”