I had three visions this morning one right behind the other. The first one was of an eagle with its wings spread out and up, above its head were three stars. (No olive branch, no arrows.)
Then I saw a man dressed in a black robe of justice with a white wig like they used in court rooms.
The last vision was of a judge’s gavel. I watched as the gavel started to move, the end of handle mostly staying in one place but then it started going around in a circle knocking down everything it came upon. As it turned it got faster and stretched out, the length got longer taking out even more.
What does all this mean, the interpretation? There soon will be great judging happening in the United States courts and the reach of the judges will reach far and wide. It will take down many and keep reaching out to get to those connected to the first ones that were taken down. A great judgment is coming in the United States against those who have gone against it and God.
Matthew 12:36 “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.” (There are many who have been doing this.)
There is one who will be in charge of it all. He must follow what God is speaking to him. It will be hard for he knows many of those who God has set judgement against.