This morning the Lord blessed me with Job 18:20 “People in the west are appalled at his fate.” I also read Job 18:21 “And those people in the east are seized with horror.” In another version it says it in this way. Job 18:20, “Old and young alike will be horrified by his fate.” Verse 21 says, “Yes, that is what happens to sinners, to those rejecting God.”
A man will soon fall and those in the west, California and in the east, New York and a few states close to it, they will be filled with dismay and shock of the fall of this man. His power, the power man has bestowed upon him and he bestowed upon himself, will be taken away. Those who supported him in his quest to get where he has been for years will be at a great loss. They will be dazed and in great dismay not knowing what to do next when it happens.
God finishes it off with verse 21, “Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God.” Not a lot needs to be said about this verse. God is speaking strongly of the man and about some of those who live in these places. Who the man is will be revealed in the timing of God but when it happens the whole country will know about it.