Not sure what was going on last night, 7/23/21, but something big was happening in the heavenly realms. I no sooner laid my head down at 9:57pm last night, when I heard a sound. Don’t laugh, but the best way I can describe it is to think of the sound in a cartoon where something is falling. The only thing is, as this sound was getting lower, it just stopped. I tried going to sleep after that, but I couldn’t, so I got up.
I came into the living room, sat down and within a minute or two, a bright flash of light appeared over my head. Within seconds after that, I saw lights of all different sizes, all around the living room. I then felt something; a strong presence was in the room. It was so heavy; it took my breath, and I could feel a heavy pressure upon my body. I knew someone, an angel was in the room, and he was powerful. I then knew something was going to happen, something big and I was waiting on it. It’s like I was sitting on the edge of my seat, waiting, knowing in my spirit at any time something is coming.
I started praying in tongues and rebuked anything that was not of God. Even though I felt, knew in my spirit it was not evil, I wanted to make sure. I then started to feel a great sadness and was shown a woman who was crying, a deep cry, one that was heard far and wide. I could feel the pain, the sadness, that is going to come. There will be a great cry heard across the nations, a weeping like never before.
Ecclesiastes 3:4 “There is a time to weep, and a time to laugh and a time to mourn.”
Song included, “Come Again” by Elevation Worship.